vendor applications are Now Open!
Vendor spaces fill to capacity quickly so register for the 2025 National Lentil Festival today!
Festival Date: Saturday, August 16, 2025 (ONE DAY EVENT)
Booth Hours of Operation: 12:00pm to 10:00pm
Location: Reaney Park, Pullman, WA 99163
Deadline: August 1, 2025 (or until spaces are filled)
1. Proof of insurance listing the National Lentil Festival, Pullman Chamber of Commerce, City of Pullman, and Washington State University as additionally insured.
2. Washington State UBI Number: The State of Washington Department of Revenue requires all special events provide them a list of vendors, that list must include the WA UBI Number. If you do not have one, you may apply for a temporary number. Call 1-800-647-7706 to speak with the Tax Services Department or visit them online by clicking here.
3. Application fee of $75.
Applications will not be considered and/or accepted unless all items from the list above are submitted during the application process. No refunds will be issued after July 1, 2025. Collection of WA State sales tax is the responsibility of the vendor.
- Booth spaces are 10'x10' and only open on one side.
- I will not roam and will confine all sales to my purchased area.
- I am responsible for providing items for and setting up my own booth.
- I will not close my booth early.
- I will adhere to all rules and regulations regarding festival parking.
- I will only serve Coca-Cola products should I offer refreshments at my booth.
- I will apply for and purchase any required permits.
Hold Harmless & Indemnification:
All services rendered or performed under the agreement will be performed or rendered entirely at the Contractor's (vendor's) own risk and the Contractor expressly agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Pullman Chamber of Commerce and its officers, agents, employees; the City of Pullman and its officers, agents, employees; Washington State University and its officers, agents, employees; the National Lentil Festival and its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, loss or damage including reasonable costs of defense that they may suffers as a result of claims, demands, actions or damages to and all person(s) or property, costs or judgements against the above mentioned parties and their officers, agents or employees, which result from, arise out of, or are in any way connected with the services performed by the Contractor under this agreement.